Norwegian Adventure An unforgettable journey road-tripping through Norway in the summer.

Norway Trip Itinerary

Stuff Required: Food/Snacks:
To buy here

  • Cereal bars (chewy/
  • Breakfast Bars (nutri-gain bars)
  • Mixed Nuts/Trail Mix
    • Costco trail-mix
    • blue-berry/pomegranate covered dark chocolate
    • Indian store raisins
    • Trader joe’s thai chile lime cashews
  • Maggi
  • Mac and Cheese bowls
    • + bread-crumbs from Trader joe’s
      • Lunch will be this + bread-crumbs on two different days
    • Lunch on Trolltunga hike
  • Coconut water/drinks
    • Make space for atleast a few cans (based on packing weight)
  • Indian Ready-to-eat
    • Vegetable curry?
    • Rice?
    • Dal?
    • 1 curry + nan - Dinner after Trolltunga hike (@ Hardanger hostel)
    • X4 (2 each) khichdi - Dinner at Trondheim (Day 4; micro-wave at hotel)
    • Brunch for Day 7
      • Upma (x4) or some other dry Indian breakfast
  • Trader Joe’s Naan
  • Bread/Peanut Butter
  • Hydration IV packets
    • Liquid IV
  • Freeze-dried meals

To buy there:

  • Water case
  • Bread

  • Hiking Sticks
  • Surf Powder/Laundry
  • Sunscreen
  • Small Storage Boxes (Microwave-safe)
    • For to-go meals
  • Small Trash Bags
  • Bounty Roll
  • 5v Power jack
  • Power bank
  • Head lamp(s) + batteries
  • Ziplocs and Cutlery
  • Hand Sanitizer

To buy at DNT Gjendsheim

  • Fuel canister
  • Fuel lighter

Incoming Flight (2023/07/28): San Francisco The only viable option to Bergen seems like this KLM flight with 2hr 45 min layover in Amsterdam. It is one the fastest flights there (based on duration), at a reasonable time.

Day 1 (2023/06/29)

Plan for the day:

  • Land in Bergen at 1:25 PM. Should take us 1 hr or so to clear customs and pick up the rental car
  • Should reach Bergen Hostel @ 3:00 PM; right around check-in time. The drive from airport is ~25 mins.
  • Freshen up and get ready to leave hostel by 4:00 PM
  • Take the car to Bergen and spend time in the city. Check out the list of things to do to make the actual plan. Actual Plan for the Day:
    • After hostel, take Floyen funicular to the top of Floyen and then hike down via Stoltzekleiven (total time of 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs)
    • Continue walking around the city to Bryggen Wharf (~30 mins)
    • Spend some more time walking around in the Fish Market (should be another 30 mins). Can also have some snacks along the way
    • Walk back to Floyen funicular parking (20 mins) and take car back to hostel (~15 mins). Should be 8:00 - 8:30 by this point
  • Take the Ulriken Cable Car and have dinner on top of the mountain @ Skyskraperen Restaurant. The restaurant and cable car are open till 11:00 PM on saturday, but we should target 8:30 to 9:00 PM to be on safe side and wind up fo the night
    • Or do early supper (maybe at 5/6). The cable car point is walking distance from the hostel, so it is in our hands. City sightseeing can be done after

Things to see:

  • Bryggen Hanseatic Wharf: Historic city center. Slow walk and enjoy time
  • Mount Floyen & the Funicular: Good place for views and has a fun train ride.
  • Bergen Fish Market: Nice place to walk and snack with variety of seafood
  • Ulriken Cable Car: Near the hostel and nice views along with restaurant at top
  • Food & Culture Tour: Not available in our timing
  • Stoltzekleiven: Another mountain that we can hike on; it takes about 30 mins to top. Can also go to Floyen to take the funicular down. Can spend 1-1.5 hrs here to cover both
  • Museums: There is variety of collections of Museums in Bergen, but not sure which or how many of them will be open during our times (All museums might close at our timing)
    • Bryggens Museum
    • Kode Art & Composition Museums
    • Troldhaugen Composer Museum
    • Rasmussens Collections
    • Bergens Tekniske Museums
    • Gestapo Museum & More

Stay for the night:

HI Bergen Hostel Montana: Check-in starts at 3:00 PM, so we should be right on time in any case. Cost for 2 Beds in mixed dormitory is $90

Meals for the day:

  • Breakfast and lunch should be covered by the flight and breaks in the airport.
  • Dinner should be at the top of the Ulriken mountain; can decide between supper and dinner for timing

Bookings to make:

  • Rental car pickup at Avis in Bergen. There’s an Avis inside the airport, so we can pick up directly from there. We will probably be returning this in Trondheim, but more on that later.
  • Ulriken Cable car & reservation for Skyskraperen restaurant
  • Can add more as we nail down things to do

Day 2 (2023/06/30)

Plan for the day:

  • Start at 5:30 - 6:00 AM from the hostel to the Trolltunga carpark (drive supposed to take 3-3.5 hrs). Not a lot we need to do along the way but take a look at Hardangerfjord bridge.
  • Start Trolltunga hike immediately on reaching the place. We should have already set up a lot of the requirements the day before: backpack, gear and packed food; so not a lot of time wasted. We have 2 options for the hike
    • Start at P2 and expect a 10-12 hr hike, so we make our way back by 9 -10 PM
    • Start at P3 (higher vantage point) and expect a 7-9 hr hike and come back by 6 - 7 PM
      • Note times also include time spent at the top with lunch and everything else
  • Dinner as soon as we make windfall back on ground and drive to Hardanger Hostel to crash for the night (drive takes ~45 mins)
    • If sit down restaurant dinner is not possible, then make dinner at hostel is the only other option

Things to see:

  • Hardangerfjord Bridge: Cool suspension bridge
  • Trolltunga

Stay for the night:

Hardanger Hostel B\&B: Check-in ends at 10 PM, but can request late check-in to help us out. Cost for room with 2 single beds in mixed dormitory is $105; $90 if opting for bunk beds

Meals for the day:

  • Breakfast and lunch should be covered by ourselves. The hostel has free breakfast, but staying for that will make it too late (since it starts at 8 AM)
  • Dinner should be a sit-down place; but if not possible cook at Hardanger hostel

Bookings to make:

  • Car Parking at Trolltunga P2
  • Ticket for shuttle to P3 if starting from there
  • Trolltunga hike itself should not need any booking unless we opt for a guided tour

Day 3 (2023/07/01)

Plan for the day:

  • Free breakfast starts @ 7:30 AM. Finish up and breakfast and be ready to leave between 8 - 8:30 AM
  • 2hr drive to Flam; expect 10 AM arrival at Flam station
  • We can take the train at 10:45 AM or 12:10 PM; whichever is better and the rest of the tour package will settle itself around the start time
    • The zipline is in Vatnahalsen, penultimate stop before Myrdal when we can get off or go up to Myrdal and walk ~15 mins down the the zip line station
  • Expect to spend ~2.5 hrs on the entire round trip and this includes any stops to absorb scenery
  • Return back and have lunch in Flam. Lunch time will depend on when return (2PM/3PM)
  • Spend more time around beach and railway museum in Flam before starting for Gjendesheim
    • The museum can also be done before boarding the train depending on time
  • Start for Gjendesheim between 4:30 & 5 PM. It’s a 3 hr drive to DNT Gjendesheim in the summer with the scenic route (last leg) open to travel
  • Reach cabin ~8PM and have.dinner. Prepare for the next day hike with all essentials, packed lunch order and everything else.

Things to see:

  • Flam Railway + Zipline + Biking Tour
  • Flam to Gudvangen Cruise
  • Flam Railway Museum
  • Beach around Fjord in Flam


  1. Cruise - 11:30 AM, back at the train station by 2:05 PM
  2. Train @ 2:55 PM
    1. Zipline: ~3:50 PM
    2. Return - bike, ~15 km

Stay for the night:

Gjendesheim DNT Cabin: It is a Norwegian mountain cabin near the hike start point. Provides easy access to parking and start hike and includes a lot of meals (No kitchen access). Expected cost for 2 is between $280 & $330 (all inclusive)

Meals for the day:

  • Free breakfast at Hardanger hostel
  • Lunch at a restaurant in Flam
  • Dinner at DNT Gjendesheim (3 course meal)

Bookings to make:

  • Flam Railway + Zipline tour
  • Flam to Gudvangen Cruise
  • Gudvangen to Flam Shuttle

Day 4 (2023/07/02)

Plan for the day:

  • Breakfast starts @ 6:45 AM at the cabin (1hr before the first boat out at 7:45 AM). Prepared to start by 7:30 - 8:00 AM
  • Total hike is expected to take between 7-9 hrs, including time to stop, enjoy sights and lunch
  • Option 1 for hike:
    • Take the 7:45 AM ferry to Memurubru and start hike from there at 8:10 AM. This should get us back to the cabin at ~5:00 PM
  • Option 2 for hike:
    • Start hiking from the Gjendesheim cabin at 7:30 AM and plan to be there for the 4:55 PM return ferry from Memurubu. Considering the hike, it may be a little tight and there is no backup ferry
      • Could also try to start earlier to give us more time
  • Reach the cabin back at ~5:30 PM using either option. Decompress with dinner and shore up some energy
  • Try to start by 6:30 PM (checkout should have already happened in the morning) to Trondheim. Drive is expected to be about ~4.5 hrs; maybe pretty tiring but helps out with the train to catch next day
    • If we get out early and want to eat solidly, can cook at hostel after reaching

Things to see:

  • Anything along the Besseggen Ridge Hike
    • Most people take the ferry first and start the hike from Memurubru. First section from there is supposed to be steep and that would be last descent from the other side (along with timing the hike to the ferry timings)
    • But starting from Gjendesheim is supposed to provide the best view all-around

Stay for the night:

Trondheim Vandrerhjem: Hostel in Trondheim. Standard hostel with cost $103 for bunk bed dormitory and $114 for single room (2 single beds)
Aiden by Best Western Trondheim Airport: Standard airport with early breakfast (starts at 6 AM). Costs $123 for an economy twin room.

Meals for the day:

  • Breakfast and packed lunch as well (All included in price)
  • Dinner may be extra and may not start at the time we want it to

Bookings to make:

  • Ferry ride to/from Memurubru. Need to book this early since it runs out fast

Day 5 (2023/07/03)

Plan for the day:

  • Start @ 7 AM from the hostel. Breakfast is not available at hostel, though meals are provided on train
  • Train is scheduled for 7:49 AM departure; 10 min drive to station from hostel. One of us drops off with luggage and finds train to load stuff
  • Other one goes to drop off the car at Avis location after hours (3 min drive). 10 min walk back to station projected to reach at 7:30 AM. Should have enough buffer time to make the train
  • Spend the day on the train until disembarking at Bodo at 5:44 PM. Bodo hostel is right across (2 min walk) from the station. Can get settled there and drop luggage; ready to start walking again between 6 - 6:30 PM
    • The evening ferry is at 6:45 PM, which might be difficult to make due to car pickup. Next one is at 10 PM and might be too late (reaches at 1:00 AM)
  • Spend the rest of the night walking around town and pick up a rental car from Avis Bodo Airport before closing for the night
  • Plan for dinner between 8 - 9 PM

Things to see:

  • Everything on the train ride
  • Some museums in Bodo
  • Shopping and walk around Bodo

Stay for the night:

Bodø Hostel & Motel: Standard hostel with dormitory. Cost $78 for 2 (breakfast not included available for extra $11)

Meals for the day:

  • Breakfast & Lunch on the train to Bodo. Lunch is covered and unlimited snacks and drinks included in ticket
  • Dinner in Bodo (either restaurant or cook in hostel)

Bookings to make:

  • Covered Parking spot booking at Trondheim Hostel
  • Train tickets to Bodo (reclining seat)
  • Rental car from Avis Bodo airport (& pre-book bus tickets if necessary)
    • Can also pick up car from Moskenes if there’s problem with booking one way from Bodo airport

Day 6 (2023/07/04)

Plan for the day:

  • Take the early morning ferry to Moskenes.(3:15 AM/6 AM; 6 seems more reasonable). Ferry building is also close by (2 mins/1 km).
    • Decided to take the 6AM ferry.
  • Arrive in Moskenes at 9:15 AM and drive to A (10 min drive) and have breakfast. Prepare to start at 10:00 for the road trip across Lofoten
    • Checkout Ryten/Klavika beach hike(s) since we’re not doing Reinebringen
  • Try to cover as many points below as possible via road trip format. Total drive time (only) is ~4.5 hr; budgeting 7.5 - 8 hrs for it seems reasonable.
  • Last stop is Svolvaer. Stay can be here (so, check-in on arriving) or check-in to Stamsund if selecting that one
  • Do some water-based activity. There are a few options:
    • Day Kayaking (last one is at 2 PM for 2 hrs; so probably difficult to get there in time)
    • Trollfjord Cruise (again 2 PM for 3 hrs, so again difficult to get there in time)
    • Evening Kayaking trip (at 7 PM for 2 hrs, might be our best option)
    • Sea Eagle Safari (latest at 5 PM for 2 hrs, tight but possible)

Things to see:

  • A (pronounced aw)
  • Reine & Reinesbringen
  • Ryten/Kvalvika Beach
  • Utakleiv
  • Vikten
  • Nusfjord
  • Unstad
  • Eggum
  • Lofoten Viking Museum
  • Henningsvaer
  • Svolvaer

Stay for the night:

Stamsund Vandrerhjem: Maybe an option. No frills hostel with not a lot going on beds are at $51 for 2, but the added charges and how to book might be a pain
Or stay in Svolvaer Fast Hotel Lofoten: simple hotel; cost $123 for a simple double room. Could be a more convenient place to stay

Meals for the day:

  • Breakfast in A, southern most point of Lofoten
  • Lunch in Reine (or further along the way)
  • Dinner in Svolvaer

Bookings to make:

  • Morning Ferry to Moskenes (6 AM)
  • Kayaking Trip in Hennigsvaer/Svolvaer
  • (maybe) Get cash and coins for the hostel shower

Day 7 (2023/07/05)

Plan for the day:

  • Breakfast in Svolvaer/Stamsund @ 8 AM and prepare to start on the road by 9 AM at the latest
    • Checkout @ 12 PM from the hotel, finish the hike, and then come back to the room to freshen up.
      • Hike in the morning (~4 hours)
      • Floya through the Sherpa staircase
  • Drive for ~3 hrs to reach Bleik; spend some time on the White Sand beach after taking the scenic route.
  • And then onto a 10 min drive to Andenes; hope to reach at either 1 PM/2 PM for a safari. Options include
    • Whale Watching; lasts 3 hrs
    • Sea Eagle/ Puffin; lasts 1.5 hrs
  • Start from Andenes at 5 PM and have 2 options based on car rental requirements
    • Option 1: Drive to Harstad/Narvik/Evenes airport hotel for ~3.5 hrs. Reach ~8:30 and settle for the night
    • Option 2: Drive to the Bodo Hostel for ~7 hrs. This uses a ferry route from Lodingen to Bognes; smaller route with hourly frequency, so shouldn’t be a big problem
  • Reach respective place and get ready for early morning flight

Things to see:

  • Bleik: Biggest White Sand beach in Nordland; on Andoya island
  • Andenes: A small arctic coastal town very close to Whales

Stay for the night:

Option 1: Sure Hotel Harstad Narvik Airport: Best Western hotel very close to the Svolvaer airport. Costs $116 for the room (& breakfast included)
Option 2: Bodø Hostel & Motel: Standard hostel with dormitory. Cost $78 for 2 (breakfast not included available for extra $11)

Meals for the day:

  • Breakfast in Svolvaer (outside, not available in hostels)
  • Lunch in Andenes
  • Dinner in Bodo/Evenes

Bookings to make:

  • Whale Watching Safari/ Sea Eagle & Puffin Safari
  • Lodingen ferry if needed

Day 8 (2023/07/06)

Plan for the day:

  • Based on which hotel is picked for day before, there are 2 flight options
    • Option 1: Evenes to Oslo 6:35 AM flight. For this one, can eat breakfast at hotel (starts at 4 AM) before driving to airport and dropping off car at Avis counter and boarding flight
    • Option 2: 7 AM flight from Bodo to Oslo. Again drop the car in Avis airport counter before boarding flight
  • Breakfast at the airport/in the city (based on preference). Explore city before settling in hostel (check-in time is at 3 PM)
  • More exploring and shopping to do later in the evening along with Dinner. Settle in for the night once done.

  • Drop Cherry off at Evenes to catch the morning flight at ~ 6:35 AM. I’ll be able to start off at ~5 AM.
    • Drop him off between 5:30 and 5:45 AM and then head off.
    • Breakfast will be done at the hotel at 4 AM, and then get some stuff to go for on the road.
  • Drive ~3.5 hours to the Segla trailhead, reach ~9:30 AM - 10 AM.
  • First, go up the Segla peak.
    • After the climb,
  • Start hiking at ~ 10:30 AM - First climb up Hesten (@1824 ft, 3.3 miles, 1788 ft elevation gain)
    • On an avg, takes ~
  • Come back and go up Segla again from the South side (@2097 ft, 2.6 miles, 1322 ft elevation gain)
    • On average, it takes ~2 hours round trip.
  • After hike meal options -
  • Wild camping options -


Day 9 (2023/07/07)

Plan for the day:

  • Potential hike(s), can do these hikes till late Evening as well -
  • No hikes on this day -
    • Checkout museums in Tromso, polar museum and so on
  • Flight to Oslo
    • 6:40 PM from Tromso airport
    • Be at the airport by 4:45 PM.
    • Drive time from Senja - Tromso airport is ~3 hours.
  • Figure out how to get from the Oslo airport to the HI Hostel
    • Take public transport
      • Mix of FlyToGet and Vy service providers.

Stay for the night:

Wild-camping along the drive to Tromso

Day 9 (2023/07/08)

  • Explore the city of Oslo.

Things to see:

  • Fram Museum
  • Kontiki museum
  • Norsk Maritime Museum
  • Norse Folk Museum
  • Viking ship museum
  • Munch Museum
  • Akershus Castle
  • Nobel Peace Center
  • City Hall
  • Norwegian Parliament
  • Aker Brygge & Tjuvholmen
  • Vigeland Park
  • Natural History Museum
  • Historical Museum
  • Karl Johan gate (street to explore)
  • Gruneloka District
  • Oslo Street Food Hall/Mathallen
  • Royal Palace

Stay for the night:

Oslo Youth Hostel Haraldsheim: Simple hostel costing $126 for the twin room and dorm still cost $138 for 2 (breakfast included)

Meals for the day:

  • Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner in Oslo

Bookings to make:

  • Flights tickets
  • Oslo 48hr pass
  • Might need to pick up a rental car from the airport. Oslo is well connected by trams, but luggage may be a problem while traveling around. So, a car may be a better option.

Day 9 (2023/07/09)

  • Fly back to SFO